Please don't use macOS/iOS/tvOS/Xcode "developer" and "beta" builds - Apple's beta builds are often subject to large changes and an issue in one version may not be present in the next update.When targeting Mac/Ubuntu machines, we would highly recommend both machines are connected to your network using Ethernet rather than WiFi, as WiFi can result in issues if you are building large projects when using YYC.A separate physical Ubuntu machine is still required for creating games for Ubuntu - see the target's own section below for specifics.A separate physical Mac is still required for creating games for macOS, iOS/iPadOS, and tvOS - see the target's own section below for specifics.If you are using Spine images in your game, then GameMaker requires your files to be exported with Spine runtime 4.0 specifically.Visual Studio is required to be installed before you can build projects for Windows YYC or any of the consoles - see the target's own section below for specifics regarding which VS version to use.GX.games (previously known as Opera GX).Similarly, if you need the setup instructions for the LTS release of GameMaker, please see this Required SDKs for GameMaker's 2022.0 LTS Version FAQ instead.

Please also be aware this FAQ is only relevant for GameMaker versions AFTER 2022.6 - if you do need the setup instructions for a version of GameMaker 2022.6 or older, please see this Required SDKs For Old GMS2 Versions FAQ instead. If you're not on this version, we'd strongly recommend you update first and then follow this guide, as we cannot offer support for older releases. Which GameMaker Versions Does This FAQ Cover?

We do not recommend using third-party tools ahead of what is listed below - GameMaker won't know how to support them properly and you may give yourself build errors or even IDE instability. This article details the required versions of the various tools and SDKs that the current release of GameMaker requires.